Get a rebate to upgrade your heating and cooling system this winter.

The temperature is dropping all across the Midwest, so what’s a member like you gotta do to keep warm? Sure, a bowl of chili or a nice pumpkin spice latte might do the trick for a minute, but eventually you’re going to want to nudge up that thermostat a few degrees.

Unfortunately, if you’ve got an HVAC system that’s old and outdated, those few degrees could cause your energy bill to spike. Believe it or not, heating and cooling costs can account for as much as 50% of your energy use. Factor in an inefficient system and you could be looking at a pretty costly winter.

That’s why now might be a good time to take another look at our HVAC rebates. You can get a $750 rebate on a qualifying air source heat pump system to replace electric resistance heat, propane heat, or fuel oil heat. Or, if you’re upgrading an existing air source heat pump, you can still qualify for a $250 rebate on the new unit. Either way, that’s cash in your pocket to make improvements to your heating system—and save you energy in the long run.

That’s because the new air source heat pumps aren’t only more efficient, they also benefit from new technologies that allow them to pump heat from outside even when it’s well below freezing. Ask your contractor about a modulating heat pump.

And speaking of rebates, you may also want to consider going geothermal. Ground source heat pumps are ideal for providing steady, affordable heat, even in the coldest of temperatures. Qualifying installations can even be eligible for a $1500 rebate!

But that’s not all, folks. Here are a few more tips on warming your home more efficiently this winter:

1. Seal up that ceiling. Gaps in your ceiling, especially around light fixtures and air vents, could be causing you to lose a lot of heat. Seal them up with silicone caulk or, for larger gaps, expanding foam.

2. Inspect your air filter. If you haven’t already, now is a good time to inspect your HVAC’s air filter. A dirty or clogged filter can cause your system to work a lot harder to heat the same space—leading to bigger bills each month.

3. Add insulation. An extra layer of insulation is like pulling on an extra blanket during a chilly night. It’s a great way to help lock heat into your home, and keep the cold air out.

4. Schedule a free energy assessment. Tried all of the above? You might still benefit from a free energy assessment. We’ll send an Energy Advisor to your home to take a look around and find ways you can save more energy. It’s effective, it’s easy—and did we mention that it’s free?

For more tips, tricks, and ideas on how you can save energy in your home this winter, contact your Energy Advisor today.

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Power the avid campers in your life with energy efficient gifts this holiday season.
Keep your bills lower with these 14 winter savings tips

14 winter savings tips

Bust out the hot chocolate and extra afghans, because winter has arrived. The extreme cold is bad enough, but if your energy usage spikes it can really add insult to injury. Try out these tips to help you save energy—and money.