Call, email, or stop on by. We want to hear from you.
Whether you’d like to schedule an energy assessment, learn more about Co-op Solar, or just find out more about energy efficiency, we want to hear from you. Call or email us today, or use the form on this page to get in touch.

Every household uses energy in different ways, which means every household approaches energy efficiency a little differently. That’s why I’m here. I help members understand their home’s energy use, how they can use less, and how they can apply for rebates that make efficiency upgrades more affordable. I love solving problems, almost as much as I love getting to know our members. So if you need help? Reach out! I can’t wait to hear from you.
CONTACTIndianapolis, IN 46278
Contact Us
Whether you’d like to schedule an energy assessment, learn more about Co-op Solar, or just find out more about energy efficiency, we want to hear from you. Call or email us today, or use the form on this page to get in touch.