Adding insulation to your home’s existing walls saves energy and keeps you comfy.
If your home’s walls aren’t properly insulated, they may not be doing a very good job of regulating the temperature inside. That means not only are you wasting energy, but you’re also not staying comfortable. You can address both problems by adding insulation yourself.
Project Overview
Tools and Materials:
- Screwdriver
- Probe tool (e.g., plastic crochet hook)
- Ladder
- Drill and bits
- Insulation materials as required
- Use appropriate caution with ladders
- Disconnect power sources when working around electrical outlets
- Check current levels of insulation within your walls. This can be done outside the home if you can pull up siding and drill a small hole into the exterior, allowing for a visual inspection. Or it can be done inside the home, probing the wall for insulation.
- If you discover a lack of insulation, you’ll want to choose an insulating product that can also reduce air leakage. Dense-pack insulation can be an excellent choice, although you will also need to consider how it affects moisture evaporation rates.
- Once you’ve determined what kind of insulation you’ll be using, drill holes into the walls needing insulation in order to blow insulation into place, filling the walls and keeping your home comfortable.
- Don’t want to drill inspection holes into your house? Contact your Energy Advisor to learn more about using infrared cameras to uncover under-insulated areas of your home.