Don’t Let Your Money Float Away, Part I – Air Sealing

An improperly sealed and insulated home can cost you – literally! A home with gaps and lack of insulation will cause your heating and cooling (HVAC) system can work harder than needed, wasting energy and costing you money.

Fortunately, your Power Moves team is here to help! Properly sealing, insulating, and having the right equipment in your home will keep you comfortable while minimizing your energy costs. Power Moves team member Dan Phillips gives proper air sealing tips in Part 1 of our Don’t Let Your Money Float Away series.

Meet a Real-Life Energy Advisor: Steve Hite digs cornfields and quiet

Meet Energy Advisor Steve Hite

Steve Hite has been an Energy Advisor with Hendricks Power Cooperative for six years. He brings 25 years of construction…
Savings Room by Room, Part 1: The Kitchen

Energy efficiency in the kitchen

Not to get all philosophical about it, but we think that saving energy isn’t just a nice idea—it’s a way of life. And the more you establish good habits now, the happier you’re going to be when you see those future energy bills.