Power Moves and your business? It’s a match made in heaven.

After this chilly, brutal winter, you’ll forgive us for getting a little swept up by Valentine’s Day. With daylight hours getting longer, we’re happy now to turn our thoughts to the pleasantries of love. After all, is there anything that warms the heart like the thought of a bouquet of roses, a box of fine chocolates, and a thoughtfully chosen business incentive?

Wait, you look confused. Don’t tell us we’re the only ones who give the special people in our lives cash rebates on energy efficiency programs for their businesses? We are? In that case, we can’t wait to tell you all about them!

We love supporting business in our communities, and we show it every day through our rebates and incentive programs. How do we love thee? Let us count the ways:

1. We Light Up Your Life (So to Speak)

Whether you’ve been in business for years or you’re just about to break ground, we offer a variety of ready-made rebates for projects like lighting, heating, cooling, and more. These rebates are prescriptive, meaning we’ve already worked out the details and made it easy to apply for incentives.

For most of our commercial and industrial members, these prescriptive rebates have the potential to make a big difference to your bottom line, since lighting and HVAC are both big drivers of energy waste when not installed with efficiency in mind. And that’s just the first way we show we care.

2. We Love You for Your Creativity

Sometimes you don’t need a prescriptive rebate. Maybe your lighting, heating, and cooling are already energy efficient. Maybe you’ve got an even better idea for how your business could be more efficient, and you just need a little help getting the funds to do it.

We think that’s great! Nobody knows your business as well as you do, and we love to see the creative, energy efficient ideas our members come up with. That’s why we reward creativity and innovation with our custom rebate program.

Energy efficiency isn’t a one-size-fits-all proposition. So if you’ve got a great idea that’s unique to your business? We want to help you get it done.

3. We’re Here When You Need Us

Every great relationship really boils down to one thing: support. Whether you’re building a new business or figuring out better ways to make your existing one more efficient, sometimes you need a friendly ear. And if that friendly ear knows the best ways to make sure you get the full cash rebate your project deserves? Even better.

Your Energy Advisor is always standing by and ready to help. From advising you before a project begins to helping you navigate the rebate application, you’ll have support every step of the way. So what are you waiting for? Contact us today to get started.

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Solar Petals

This summer, people haven't been the only ones benefiting from the Co-op Solar array near Kankakee Valley Schools in northern Indiana! Pollinating plants and flowers have been buzzing with insects, birds and other animals enjoying the plants and flowers installed in the solar array by Solential Energy.