Meet a real-life Energy Advisor: Matt Strahl can discuss energy used by your computer – and even build you one!

Before becoming the Energy Advisor at NineStar Connect, Matt Strahl worked in information technology. He also is a technology enthusiast, and can even repair and install computer systems! He enjoys troubleshooting and improving issues and situations, which he gets to do by helping retail members solve their energy-related issues.

How’d you become an Energy Advisor?
I’ve always had an interest in, and have worked in the tech industry. I have a passion for solving problems, I love making things work more efficiently and I enjoy helping others. Becoming an Energy Advisor seemed to encompass all the things I enjoy, and therefore I thought it would be a great fit for me. When the job became available, I quickly applied and got hired. I haven’t looked back! I can honestly say I love being an Energy Advisor, and look forward to coming to work every day.

What’d you do before?
I have a degree in Electrical Engineering, and right out of college started troubleshooting and repairing computer systems down to a component level. I slowly transitioned from repairing computers to building and installing computers and computer networks. In 2014, I was hired at NineStar, and I worked in the IT Network Administrator department for a few years before transitioning to the Energy Advisor position.

What’s the last hobby you picked up?
Probably my best attempt at being a D.J., and singing karaoke. I also have a fascination with high-powered lasers and flashlights.

What’s the best vacation you ever had?
I love Cabo! The weather there is almost perfect all year round.

If you could switch lives with a person for one day, who would it be?
Elon Musk

In a world without electricity, what would you miss most?
I would miss the ability to quickly find answers to my most curious questions, and to keep in touch easily with family and friends.

What’s the best thing that happened to you yesterday?
I woke up grateful to have another day to communicate with family, friends, coworkers and members.

How’d you change your energy habits at home after you took this job?
I’ve made a conscious effort to power off electric devices when not using them, and take slightly cooler and faster showers.

What’s the number one thing members want to know?
How they can lower their electric bill to save money.

What’s the number one thing you wish they knew?
Electricity isn’t free.

If you weren’t an Energy Advisor, what would you be?
I really enjoyed being an IT guy, so I’d probably go back to that.

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