Save money every month when you plan for refunds on your 2014 tax return

April 15 shows up on lists of U.S. holidays, but who celebrates? Now that another Tax Day has come and gone, you might be motivated to find new ways to cut back on what you owe. We’re biased, of course, but no one can deny that improvements for energy efficiency bring some pretty sweet tax rebates—that’s on top of what they save you on energy month after month.

So we’re popping up here while we imagine our members are feeling ambitious about cutting their tax bills to review what’s on the table for 2014. Each of these credits applies to new or existing homes.

We’re your power experts, but we steer clear of offering specific tax advice, so please consult your tax advisor for further information, and check out the Energy Star website for details about the tax rebates available. Here’s an overview:

  • Geothermal heating and cooling systems are the most efficient systems on the market and can be installed in nearly any home. Not only can you earn a federal tax rebate when you install a geothermal system, but we offer a $1500 rebate for qualifying upgrades. Read more about these systems in our blog
  • Residential wind turbines enablehomeowners to generate a portion of their own electricity by harnessing the power of the wind.
  • Solar energy systems include solar panels for capturing the sun’s light energy and solar water heaters, that collect thermal energy from the sun.
  • Fuel cells convert natural gas, propane, and eventual biomass into heat and electric energy.

These tax credits are in effect through 2016. As always, we offer a whole bunch of rebates that, although they won’t take a bite out of your tax bill will sure help you save money on upgrades. Surely those savings make your tax bill easier to handle. (Okay—probably not, but it’s a nice theory.) Here’s to getting all the energy-efficient savings—and rebates! And tax credits!—that 2014 has to offer.

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